HUNNN, Its been a while I put something down, so sorry. Today I am writing about Lie, why do we lie ?Does lies helps in anyway ? Do we feel satisfy and fulfill when we successfully lie ? Who doesn't Lies? Do we all Lies?
 I believed we all lies but there are some amongst us who are pathological Liar .
I doubt if we still have a Single Living soul who can successfully count the number of times he or she lies in life time, however there are some who are honest to the call but I still feel they lie when is necessary . Does telling a lie justifiable at all ?
 As a person, I hate people that lies but I still lies when its become very difficult for me to say truth , but at the end I always feel very bad inside because I am an advocate of a truth worth to be told, no matter the situation . Can a Pathological Liar change completely ? In the short journey of my life so far, I have come across some people that I don't believe they can be changed because since I know them , truthfulness is not their friend and they  lie conveniently at any giving opportunity .
Why do people lies ?

People lies because of fear, to  be free, to eat, pains and agony or to implicate someone or to get favors .very common reason to lie is in order to help ourselves in some way. This can be psychological, supporting the ego, or substantive, gaining material benefit. A matrix of how such actions may be understood is shown  below 

The flip-side of embarrassment is to gain the admiration of other people and so a specific advantage we seek when lying is for others to think well of us.
Impression-management is particularly common in social, romantic and work situations, where we need others to think we are competent and successful in order to get their approval and the subsequent rewards they can give. Lying in order to make oneself look good is particularly common in romance, job interviews, where, resume inflation' is particularly common.
Helping others
A more socially acceptable, desirable and even necessary reason for lying is to help others, particularly your friends and family.
Sometimes, however, we use this as an excuse, telling ourselves we are lying for others when we really are gaining as much or more more benefit for ourselves, such as avoiding embarrassment.
White lies
Sometimes we avoid telling things to other people more for their benefit than ours. For example saying you are feeling fine when you know it would upset a friend if you said you have serious illness. White lies are also often used in face-saving.
'Face' is a term used to indicate the public respect given to a person. 'Saving face' is hence a term for helping them to sustain the esteem of others and to avoid embarrassment. Different culture have very specific rules about what face-saving is needed and how it should be done.
One way we help others to save face is more about not telling the truth rather than overtly lying. If we meet a person with bad breath, for example, most would avoid pointing out this problem.
Beyond being 'economical with the truth', the lies we tell to save face may be couched in euphemisms and other vague statements as we try to help others feel good whilst also seeking to avoid telling big lies ourselves.
Supporting Associates
Another way we tell lies is more directly in helping others avoid trouble, for example when we give them an alibi, saying they were with us rather than in some other compromising situation. At the most extreme, we might even commit perjury, lying in court to save our friends.
The extent to which we lie for others is often determined by local tradition .In some parts of the world, it would be considered only right that a person lies, even in court, to save their friends. In other places, such as Northern Europe and North America, there is much greater concern to be truthful, especially in a legal situation.
As I said earlier , I also lie because there are time you cant just avoid it. Hardly can you know the number of times you lies in a week not to talk of a month, during the course of my research for this article, I interviewed about twenty (20) people to know if they can count the number of lies they tell in on a weekly basis , none of them were able to give me a precise number. That shows most of us are pathological liar, and this is causing a lots of problem to our society , I believed if humans can tell less of lies , we would have a better society .Permit me to take a break here till I put up another interesting articles.

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